New Events

ImageAs I sit and write, it looks like were due more rain, timed perfectly for the school run in just over an hour.  With more heavy rain and high winds forcast, I dare say it won’t be just a shower we’ll be getting.

Today I’ve updated the website with some additional events for 2014.  We’ll be at all these events with a selection of handmade jewellery, loose beads and findings plus Graham’s artwork and woodwork, with the exception of Meet the Maker on 25th February.  As this is predominantly a networking event, I will have some jewellery and woodwork with me.  If there’s anything specific you’d like to take to any of these events let us know.  We’d hate for you to travel to see us and for us to not have what you want or need.

We’ve recently had some new gemstone beads delivered and they will be entered onto the website as soon as possible.  We’re also looking at other products as requested in our recent survey, so please keep checking our website for new arrivals.

The Wood Spirit’s workshop is almost up and running.  At some point today, the last piece of the workshop is being delivered which will make it a more comfortable place for Graham to work in.  And no it’s not a comfy seat but a dust extractor.  Graham is itching to get started and has lots of ideas for the furture.

Well, all for now.  Have a lovely weekend.


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