Welcome to Jens Gems Northumberland

Jens Gems Northumberland has finally entered the world of blogging!

In our blogs you’ll find news and updates of what we’re up to and where.  We’ve a number of craft fairs booked for the summer season and one or two already confirmed for the run up to Christmas.  Details can be found on either our website or Facebook page.

This month we have been busy making and starting to promote Grahams “Wood Spirits” jewellery.  The “Wood Spirits” plaques and ornaments were received well in the last quarter of 2012 and we’re hoping the jewellery has the same response.  We currently have some of the pendants for sale in our Ebay store.

We look forward to hearing from our customers and followers on what they’d like us to stock and which of our products they love.  All feedback is greatfully received.

Speak to you soon.

Best wishes, Jennifer
